Weblogic console

[Troubleshoot Socket:000445] Connection Rejected, Filter Blocked Socket While Accessing EBS R12 WebLogic Console On OCI

Fixed: WebLogic Console For E-Business (EBS) R12 on Oracle Cloud (OCI) Socket Blocked

Did you encounter the “The Server is not able to service this request: blocked Socket, weblogic.security.net.FilterException:” error while accessing the Weblogic console from the Oracle EBS environment created from the Oracle EBS Cloud Manager?

If YES, then the blog post at https://k21academy.com/ebscloud36 covers the:

▪Issue Encountered
▪Root Cause

Begin your journey towards becoming a Cloud Apps DBA by joining the FREE MasterClass at http://k21academy.com/ebscloud02.

Also, don’t forget to join our FREE Telegram group at https://t.me/K21academyOracleAppsDBAs and be the first to receive EBS (R12) on OCI related news and updates.

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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