
Why Terraform? Not Chef, Ansible, Puppet, CloudFormation?

Want to automate your cloud infrastructure but not sure which tool to choose? Terraform is one of the most popular and most preferred tools for “Infrastructure-as-code” and for the automation of your cloud resources.

Check out this blog post at k21academy.com/terraform15 which covers why you should choose Terraform over other IaC tools such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and CloudFormation and various aspects on the basis of which we can differentiate these tools.

The blog will cover:
• Configuration Management vs Provisioning
• Mutable vs Immutable Infrastructure
• Procedural vs Declarative
• Master vs Masterless
• Agent vs Agentless

Begin your journey towards becoming an Expert in Terraform by joining the FREE MasterClass at k21academy.com/terraform02.

Click on the below image to Register for the FREE Masterclass Now!

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad