Power BI vs Tableau

Which Is Better? Microsoft Power BI Vs Tableau

In the world of Data Visualization or BI, we have two options to adopt; they are nothing but Power BI and Tableau.

Both Power BI and Tableau are Data Analytics and Business Intelligence platforms. They help you perform data manipulation, data analysis, and data visualization to make sense of business data and draw insights.

Microsoft Power BI is fairly new in the market and the initial release was available for public download on 11 July 2011. It is not a single software. Basically, it is an umbrella of cloud-based apps and services.Tableau Software was founded in 2003 – 10 years earlier than Power BI. In data visualization, it’s also known as the gold standard.

Tableau is a little bit hard whereas Power BI Interface is very easy to learn…….. Want to know more about Microsoft Power BI vs Tableau? Read the blog post at k21academy.com/da10014 to learn more. Note: If you’re tight on budget and don’t need much functionality, go with Power BI.

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad