Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist | Day 1 Review and Q/A: Kubernetes Components, Architecture, and Installation [Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist] [CKS] Kubernetes Security
➪ uses an approach to divide the security strategies applied in Cloud-native systems into four different layers known as 4Cs of Cloud-native Security.
These 4Cs are as follow:
• Code
• Container
• Cluster
• Cloud/Co-Lo/Corporate Datacenter Kubernetes Architecture
➪ is a very simple architecture that consists of Master nodes and Worker nodes. The Master node communicates with Worker nodes using Kube API-server to kubelet communication.
So, preparing for Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist? Check out this blog https://k21academy.com/cksday1 on Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist | Day 1 Review and Q/A in detail – that covers:
• Introduction to Kubernetes Security
• Kubernetes Architecture
• Kubernetes Building Blocks
• Kubernetes GUI
• and much more
Want more in-depth training? Check the FREE CLASS now at https:k21academy.com/cks02