Microsoft recently announced to reimage its Solution Architect Certificate AZ-303 & AZ-304 with the single exam AZ-305.
AZ-305 is a new expert-level exam for Solutions Architect replaces AZ-303 (Azure Architect Technologies) and AZ 304 (Azure Architect Design).
The candidate for this exam is expected to know about designing and implementing Azure solutions architecture.
Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (beta) will be available from 16 November 2021. Skills measured in the exam: Design identity, governance, and monitoring solutions Design data storage solutions Design business continuity solutions Design infrastructure solutions It’s time to level up Your AZ-305 Certification can help validate that you have the skills to stay ahead with today’s technology.
It can also help empower you with a boost in confidence and job satisfaction — and maybe even a salary increase. Want to know more then refer to the blog that covers the following topic: What is the Azure Solutions Architect Expert Exam [AZ-305]? check our blog at
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