Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) is a Web Server from Oracle built on top of Apache with additional modules like mod_osso, mod_ossl etc . OHS by default listen on port 7777 or 8888 (non SSL/HTTP) and 4443 (SSL/HTTPS). This post covers steps to re-configure OHS to listen on port 80 (HTTP)/443 (HTTPS)
Key things good to know
- Port on which HTTP Server listen is defined in $ORCALE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/ohs1/httpd.conf (parameter Listen)
Note: Location of httpd.conf may be different depending on OHS version (above location is for OHS 11g)
- If there is load balancer listening on port 80 , forwarding request to OHS listening on port 7777 then in httpd.conf value of parameter Listen should set to 7777 and value of parameter Port should be 80
- Default HTTP port is 80 and HTTPS by default is 443 i.e. if you use (http but no port at the end) then you are making request on port 80 or if you us (https but no port at the end) then you are making request on port 443)
- OHS on Linux/Unix is installed and run as non Root user
- On Unix any service (including OHS) that runs on port < 1024 must be run as root user. You must re-configure OHS so that service is started as root user
Steps to configure OHS to listen on port 80/443
- If OHS is running then stop OHS as opmnctl stopall (from user that installed OHS)
- Change owner of $ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin/.apachectl to root and change permission of this file to 6750(as user root)chown root .apachectl
chmod 6750 .apachectl
Note: .apachectl is hidden file (dot in front signifies hidden file)
- Change Listen in httpd.conf to 80 and Listen in ssl.conf to 443
- Start OHS as opmnctl startall (from user that installed OHS)
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