Apps 11i DBA preparation

As I am getting lots of request for how one should prepare for Oracle Apps 11i DBA in
Technical domain including Sysadmin, I am summing up things you should learn / study in
order to understand E-Business Suite 11i . The topics mentioned below, which you should
read in order to become apps DBA or as part of your Oracle Apps DBA training will include
roles & responsibilities of oracle Apps DBA.

1. Apps Architecture
This is key topic & you should be very clear about Oracle Applications/E-Business Suite
11i components & Architecture. This is base of your knowledge & if you are not clear about
various components & uses it will be quite difficult in learning Apps.
Where to find Oracle Applications 11i architecture in Ocean of oracle Application
technical documentation. Well I agree with you go straight to and go through chapter 1 (Page 13 to Page 32 Just 20 Pages)

2. Installing Apps 11i
Next point in apps dba training is Oracle Apps 11i Install using Rapid Install preferably on Linux/Unix
Where to find Rapid Install 11i Oracle Apps Guide This is guide by Oracle for a start Chapter 1 & 2 are enough page 13 to p 63 is enough to understand Installation)
Where to find Discs / software for Oracle Apps 11i E-Business Suite : You can download it via or order it via your Metalink account . Once you got CD , please do install Apps atleast once in order to understand & to familiarize your self with Oracle Applications

3. Apps 11i File System/Software
Once you installed applications 11i using above guide on Unix/Windows/Linux software then login as Operating System User & check directories while going through document Chapter 2 Applications File System (P39- 48) very important in understanding Database Server & Application Server Tier & various tops like DATA_TOP, ORA_TOP, APPL_TOP, COMN_TOP, AD_TOP….
If you know your applications 11i File system you know where to find particular component files & logs .

I think this is enough for keep you going for 10-15 days , pay as much attention you can on these basics as these are building blocks of your careers as Apps DBA. For remaining tips on how & from what to prepare next like AD Utility(patching, adsplice,..), Cloning … I’ll update you tomorrow .

Now you can raise your doubts/questions/issue in forum at (Dedicated to Apps DBA’s)

Atul Kumar

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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