OIA – Resource (or Endpoints) and Resource Types (or namespaces)

In my previous post on Oracle Identity Analytics (OIA), I discussed about OIA Users and Global Users, In this post I am going to discuss Resources (earlier endpoints)  and Resource Type (earlier namespaces) in OIA.

OIA – Oracle Identity Analytics
OIM – Oracle Identity Manager


Resource (or endPointName) in OIA : Resource in OIA is an application or system on which users need access (account) to do their Job. Example of resource is Production (or Dev/Test) Active Directory Instance or Production (or Dev/Test) Oracle/SQL Database and so on.

  • Resource Type is a collection of related resources so for example Oracle Database is a resource type but ORCLPRD (production oracle database) is a resource. Similarly Unix is a Resource Type where as unix machine adcprdlinunx.domain.co.uk is a resource.
  • To create a resource login to OIA console and select Identity Warehouse -> Resources -> New Resource (You must first create resource type or resource type must already exists in OIA)
  • You can also import resources in to OIA from provisioning applications like OIM/Waveset by running import scheduled job “Import Resources”  (You must first integrate OIA with provisioning software like OIM or waveset , more on OIA integration with OIM or Waveset  here )
  • You CAN NOT import resources in OIA from a text file (Importing resources from a text file is not supported)
  • OIA was acquired from Sun (Sun Role Manager) and Sun acquired this product from Vaau. Before sun’s acquisition (prior to Sun Role Manager), resources were called ENDPOINTS
  • Resources in OIA are stored in table ENDPOINTS in RBACX schema (default name rbacxservice)
  • Resource in OIA is mapped to IT Resource in OIM
  • If you import resources from OIM where OIM contains two IT resources Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange, after importing resources from OIM to OIA, you will see two resources Active Directory and Exchange IT Resource in OIA



Resource Type (or nameSpace) in OIA Resource Type in OIA is grouping of related/similar resources.  Example of resource type is Oracle Database or Microsoft Active Directory or Linux Server and so on. More on Resource Type in OIA here

  • Resource Type is collection of related resources so for example Oracle Database is a resource type but ORCLPRD (production oracle database) is a resource. Similar Unix is a Resource Type where as unix machine adcprdlinunx.domain.co.uk is a resource.
  • To create a resource type login to OIA console and select Administration -> Configuration -> Resources Type -> New Resource Type
  • You can also import resource types in to OIA from provisioning applications like OIM/Waveset by running import scheduled job “Import Resources Metadata”  (You must first integrate OIA with provisioning software like OIM or waveset , more on OIA integration with OIM or Waveset  here )
  • You CAN NOT import resource type (resource metadata) from a text file (Importing resource type/metada from a text file is not supported)
  • OIA was acquired from Sun (Sun Role Manager) and Sun acquired this product from Vaau. Before sun’s acquisition (prior to Sun Role Manager), resources types were called NAMESPACES
  • Resource Types in OIA are stored in table NAMESPACES in RBACX schema (default name rbacxservice)
  • Resource Types in OIA are mapped to Resource Object in OIM 
  • If you import resource types from OIM where OIM contains two resource objects Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange , after importing resource metadata from OIM to OIA, you will see two resources types AD User and Exchange Users (Assigned Groups Form, Assigned Classes Form, Exchange User Distribution Group Form, or General Details are attributes or entitlements of resource type)




About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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