Updating SUN IdM 6.0 to IdM 7.1

1 Updating SUN IdM 6.0 to IdM 7.1

Pre Installation Tasks


1. All the steps should be executed only on one Prod jvm.

2. Before executing any steps, please go through all the steps in the document.

3. All the steps must be executed with IdM Upgrade Team. Screen share (Net Meeting) is required for it.

For Installing the IDM7.1 on existing IdM 6.0 Deployment, certain steps must be taken care, for recoverability of the application.

  1. Take full backup of the existing idm installation directory. On Prod  box () the location is:


Place the backup files at location

/………./ on Production box ()

  1. 2.     Copy the ServerRepository.xml from

$WSHOME/WEB-INF/ to /appbin/………./serverrepositorybackup/ on Prod Box

  1. If available remove the Cryptix jars (cryptix-jceapi.jar and cryptix-jce-provider.jar) from the      $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib/ directory on Prod box by doing the following.

rm $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib/cryptix-jceapi.jar

rm $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib/cryptix-jce-provider.jar

export WSHOME=


export PATH=/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_14/bin:$PATH

  1. echo $WSHOME (make sure that wshome is pointing to right path)

Note: It may show an error because idm repo is converted to 7.1 & IdM application is still IdM 6.0. So Unix Team will give the error message to Upgrade Team. Upgrade Team will take the decision for next step.

Applying the Upgrade

Update IDM manually on Linux/Unix environment.


Do this for one Application Server.

  1. Stop App JVM’s on Prod Box.
  2. Set the environment

export WSHOME=/appbin/IBM/WebSphere/………………/idm_war.ear/idm.war

export TEMP=/appbin/IdMUpgradeRelatedData/tempupgradeidm71/TEMP

export SOURCE=/appbin/IdMUpgradeRelatedData/tempupgradeidm71/SOURCE

  1. Verify if variables have been set by doing the following

echo $WSHOME

echo $TEMP

echo $SOURCE


echo $PATH


  1. Run pre-process in the following order:

cd $TEMP

jar -xvf $SOURCE/………/idmcommon.jar

export CLASSPATH=$TEMP/WEB-INF/lib/idm.jar:$TEMP/WEB-


  1. echo $CLASSPATH    (VERIFY if classpath has been set properly)
  2. Run the set command again  to check whether CLASSPATH is set correctly or not
  3. Execute the following command

java -classpath $CLASSPATH -Dwaveset.home=$WSHOME


  1. Install software by running the following command:


jar –xvf $SOURCE/idm.war  

  1. Copy the ServerRepository.xml file from

/appbin/IdMUpgradeRelatedData/……/.backup/    to

$WSHOME/WEB-INF/ on Prod Box ().

  1.  Check the ServerRepository.xml is pointing the same database where it should point to. With the      following command

cd $WSHOME/bin

./lh setRepo -c –v

The above command must show that IdM is pointing to <Host IP>:1596: idmpr01 and schema <IdM repo> database.

  1. Run post-process by running the following command at shell prompt 

}   Run the below command for Post process.

java -classpath $CLASSPATH -Dwaveset.home=$WSHOME


}    Change the directory to $WSHOME/bin/solaris or $WSHOME/bin/linux, and then set permissions on the files in the directory so that they are executable as

chmod +x $WSHOME/bin/solaris/*

chmod +x $WSHOME/bin/linux/* 

  1. During the upgrade process some files may not be installed properly.

IdM Upgrade Team will help to install that files.

} Copy the contents from

$WSHOME/patches/………./includes/ TO


}  Copy the contents from

$WSHOME/patches/………/filesNotInstalled/user/  TO


} Copy the contents from

$WSHOME/patches/………/filesNotInstalled/styles/ TO


  1.   Remove the files from the jvm’s work/cache directory. Location is like


Note: Unix Team will verify this before deleting the cache.

  1. Check the ServerRepository.xml is pointing the same database where it should point to. With the following command.

cd $WSHOME/bin

lh setRepo -c –v

It should point to the right database.

15. Touch all the .jsp’s in $WSHOME directory including all the subdirectories.

find . -name ‘*.jsp’ -exec touch {} \;

  1. Start the application server to verify whether it’s running properly. 

To start/stop the server

Go to location


./stopServer.sh server1

./startServer.sh server1

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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