This week I will focus on troubleshooting of Oracle Apps and there are fundamentals of troubleshooting :
– You should know about that particular component
– log files are quite powerful and important in finding cause of problem
– try to understand flow between various components
For Oracle Applications Web Server which is build on Apache 1.3..X version and also called as Oracle-Apache . Oracle Apps Web Server bundled with Applications is version but you can also install & configure 10g Application Server Version. In this post I ‘ll focus on Web Server Version only .
Most of the things about Web Server ( Oracle-Apache Server ), I have already covered in my site at
If you don’t understand any topic on above four pages then drop a mail to me or leave a comment here .
So when you try to access login page via URL http://hostname.domainname:portnumber
and if you don’t see page you need to look into log files . As you know there are two main component of Web Server Core Apache & Jserv ( for Java requests)
Core Apache Log Files
Core Apache log files are in directory $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs
– error_log or error_log.$timestamp
– error_log_pls or error_log_pls.$timestamp
Jserv Log files
Jserv log files are in directory $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs
and JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ) logs at $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm
Check if you see any error message in Jserv/logs mod_jserv.log or jserv.log.
jserv.log by default is disabled so if you want to find any error message w.r.t. jserv.log then change log=false to log=true in jserv.properies and bounce webserver/apache using and check any error message.
When you start Apache you should see clean start up of Web Server & no error message in this log files.
Common Problems in Starting Apache
Here is the list of common problems while starting web server which might be useful to you in appsdba Interview are
– Could not bind port (Port already in Use)
– found .pid file ( When Apache starts it creates .pid file in logs directory and when you shutdown apache it cleans this .pid file so if this file is already there then Apache will not start. Fix: Simply move this file
If there is no error messages in error_log or error_log_pls then there might be issues in starting Jserv component of web server ( which caters Java requests by mod_jserv)
– mobile is enabled in disable it if you are not using it .
If you mistype any directive in Apache ( httpd.conf or any conf file ) Apache will not start & it will not write even in error_log in that case it will report any error message related to mis configuration in directive in file $COMMON_TOP/ admin/ log/ $CONTEXT_NAME/ adapcctl.txt
I hope once you have error message you can check related hits in metalink or oracle forums or any other Apps Forum. Most of the error message are because of changes , so check what changes you made recently.
Once you are able to access http://hostname.domainname:port and if you are getting any error message that means your web server ( Core Apache ) is working but there are various component called as modules and there may be issues with those modules which we will check these modules in next post. few modules of our interest are
-mod_ossl (If you have ssl enabled on web server )
-mod_osso (If single sign on server is enabled on web server)
If you don’t know port number of your web server you can check it in file $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf with directive Listen & Port
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