Troubleshoot Oracle Apps Web Server and Login Issues

If you are accessing this page directly without looking at previous post on Web Server log files & basics then my suggestions are that you first go through link

Now by looking at error_log, jserv.log, mod_jserv.log you can find out error message & depending on error message you can try Metalink or Search engine for related error message encountered by others in past.

Most of the issues happen because of change so try to focus on what changed recently ( See if anything related to change is related) . Once you get first page http://hostname.domain:port
then there are few automated tool, scripts to check login issues.

If you don’t get first page even i.e. http://hostname.domain:port then focus on error_log. error_log_pls in Apache/Apache/logs and jserv.log , mod_jserv.log in Apache/Jserv/logs

Once you get first page then when you try to login to application & login is not working then this can be because of number of reasons. In order to understand this you need to understand request flow in Apps . I posted about request flow in August and you can check link at

In order to authenticate your user against database in FND_USER table this request is passed from core Apache Module to mod_pls ( plsql) and it uses few files like in Apache/modplsql/conf $CONTEXT_NAME.dbc , tnsnames.ora in 806/network/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME , GUEST user & few other file so focus on these files & directories & see what changed recently. These are quite important and thats why you often these questions in apps dba interview .
Lot of you discussed about difference between GUEST & APPLSYSPUB account ( Both are Public User accounts with very basic access for authentication ). These both are defined in .dbc file under FND_SECURE one for Thin JDBC connection & another for Thick client .

If you can’t login to oracle application by clicking on login link , check if
— dbc file in FND_SECURE is correct.
APPL_SERVER_ID in dbc file matches with server ID in FND_NODES table against respective Server
GUEST/ORACLE password is correct & user is not end dated
— APPS password is correct in file
— Check http://hostname.domainnamel:port/pls/$SID and see if package fnd_web can ping & you get output in screen from with correct database_id ( and check if there is correct dbc file in FND_SECURE with name $DATABASE_ID.dbc )

There is JSP tool test to find most of issues via

Apart from this if you have Metalink access there is very good note at metalink which you can refer

342332.1 Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.2

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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