Install Apex (Application Express) Formerly HTMLDB

Some time ago I read a post about HTMLDB at Vidya Bala’s Blog She has mentioned nice description about HTMLDB & Installing HTMLDB 2.0. You can check her post at Install HTMLDB 2.0

Now HTMLDB is called as Application Express or more commonly as Apex. Latest Apex Version is 2.2 and today I’ll quickly cover Installation of Apex Version 2.2. You can find Installation Document and software at end of this post.

In order to install Apex (Former HTMLDB) ver 2.2 you should have
–Application Server Version or higher
–Database should be version or higher
–Disk Space around 500 MB on middle tier (Application Server)
–Tablespace (in which you will install Apex ) with around 100MB free space
–System tablespace with around 85 MB free space
–Database shared pool size should be 100MB or more

At time of Apex installation it asks for tablespace for user data & tablespace for Apex files. You can use existing single tablespace for both or can create these two tablespace. For better understanding I will create two tablespace one for User data & other for Apex files.

Below Apex 2.2 Installation steps are of Database version 10.2.X and application server version (There might be minor changes on other database or application server version)

Pre Installation Configuration
Login to database and create two tablespace

create tablespace tsapexf datafile ‘/$datafile_location/tsapexf01.dbf’ size 50M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 300M;

create tablespace tsapexu datafile ‘/$datafile_location/tsapexu01.dbf’ size 50M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 300M;
These tablespaces we are going to use during Apex Installation

Loading Apex into Database

Login to middle tier(Application Server) & download Apex 2.2 software from location mentioned at end of this post (software is with name;
Copy it to location where you want to install Apex on Middle tier ; assume its /u01/dev
unzip software as ; unzip
This will craete a subdirectory with name apex ; cd apex
sqlplus system@tns_alias as sysdba (From middle tier connect to database as sysdba)
@apexins.sql {passwd} {ts for user} {ts for files} {ts for temp} /i/ {connect_info}

passwd – Password for Apex Super User
ts for user – Tablespace for User data (Created above)
ts for files – Tablespace for Apex files (Created above)
ts for temp – temporary tablespace (Usually Temp)
i – is the alias for image directory configuration in Application Server (Apache httpd.conf)
connect info – TNS Alias to connect to database from middle Tier

@apexins.sql mypasswd tsapexu tsapexf temp /i/ tns_alias

This step will take 1-2 hours depending on server configuration

Configure Apex at Middle Tier
(Application Server)
Create a file marvel.conf in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf

Replace ORACLE_HOME, hostname, port number, service_name, and apex_public_user_password with values appropriate for your environment.#########Alias /i/ “/u01/dev/apex/images/”

AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc

Order deny,allow
PlsqlDocumentPath docs
AllowOverride None
PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download
PlsqlDatabaseConnectString hostname.domainname:db_port:SID ServiceNameFormat
PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
SetHandler pls_handler
PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
PlsqlDefaultPage apex
PlsqlDatabasePassword password
Allow from all

include marvel.conf in httpd.conf like below so that it can be invoked each time Apache(Web Server) Starts

include “/replace_this_with_oracle_home/Apache/modplsql/conf/marvel.conf”

Update this configuration change in DCM repository (This step is required only on 10g Application Server, Skip this if you are configuring it with Apps 11i or standalone HTTP Server)

Make sure Alias /i/ “/u01/dev/apex/images/” this alias in marvel.conf is pointing to right apex images directory

Post Installation Steps
dcmctl updateconfig -ct ohs
opmnctl restartproc ias-component=HTTP_Server (Restart HTTP Server to check it)

Now try access application via URL

Software & Related Document
You can find Apex Software Version 2.2
from here

How to configure Apex or HTMLDB applications with SSO Server coming soon ….

Become Apps DBA

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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