Apex Apps configure SSO II

Lets continue with yesterday’s post

Make sure you have configured Partner Application in Single Sign-On Server as mentioned in previous post.
Unlock flows…. schema
SQL> alter user flows_020200 account unlock; (If your Apex version is change acccordingly)

Login to Middle tier $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib
unzip ssosdk902.zip
This will create packages directory & respective sql scripts in this directory connect as database user flows_020200 & execute loadsdk.sql
SQL>@loadsdk.sql (Make sure you are executing under schema flows_XXXX) This will load software development kit for sso server

Now register sso details in Apex Schema (flows_XXX)
SQL> @regapp.sql
It will prompt you for
Enter value for listener_token: Enter any distinct name like Apex:host_name:port
Enter value for site_id: enter_value_returned_while_registering_sso
Enter value for site_token: enter_value_returned_while_registering_sso
Enter value for login_url: http: // apex_url_here/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login
Enter value for encryption_key: enter_value_returned_while_registering_sso
Enter value for ip_check: N

Now configure authentication packages under flows_XXX schema

SQL> @custom_auth_sso.sql
SQL> @custom_auth_sso.plb

Finally lock flows_XXXX schema & grant execute permission to public user
SQL> alter user flows_020200 account unlock;
SQL> grant execute on wwv_flow_custom_auth_sso to APEX_PUBLIC_USER;

Finally in Apex Application, create new authentication scheme (SSO with Apex as partner Application) instead of local database authentication in Apex Application.

configuration steps are mentioned at

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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