Preserving Customizations in Oracle Apps 11i or R12

Most of the time when Apps DBA’s handover instance to developers, functional consultants after cloning/patching; users complain that their customizations are missing.

I meet lot of Apps DBA’s spending time putting back customizations after running Autoconfig or cloning. As some of my readers requested on how to avoid customizations being overwritten by Autoconfig or cloning process, lets walk right way of changing Oracle Applications Configuration files or introducing custom files in Oracle Applications conf files in Autoconfig enabled Instances.

What does customizing Autoconfig enabled Applications mean ?
This question is for those readers who are new to oracle applications.
Customizing an Autoconfig enabled instance (w.r.t discussion on this post) means adding any custom(which are not part of standard oracle apps config file) configurations or changing standard configuration files that comes with Oracle Applications 11i or R12.

What is common/fastest/easiest way of adding custom configuration or changing standard oracle configuration ?
Simply add/modify configuration file by directly going to respective file and add/modify it after each execution of Autoconfig/Cloning. (Wrong way for Autoconfig enabled Instances )

What are issues/problems with above method ?
With next run of Autoconfig/Cloning these changes will be overwritten by standard oracle configuration files.

What is right way of adding customizations in Autoconfig enabled Apps Instances ?
Using template file (more about template files and “sample customization in one of file” coming in next post) is right way of customizing (conf files) in Autoconfig enabled Oracle Apps Instances.

Where to find more information on template files and right way of customizing and Autoconfig enabled instances ?

Check very basics on Autoconfig & template files on my previous post at

Refer Metalink note # 270519.1 Customizing an AutoConfig Environment

For more information on template files, How Autoconfig creates config files with example stay tuned to this blog.

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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