Install Oracle 11g Jdeveloper/SOA/Webcenter part II

Yesterday we covered creating 11g SOA Suite/Jdeveloper user (adrs_soainfra) and schema in Oracle XE(

In today’s post we’ll cover configuration of 11g Jdeveloper/SOA suite against database. Start 11g Jdeveloper/SOA by running jdev.exe(windows xp) or jdev(linux/unix) from jdev/bindirectory from location where you unzipped $JDEV_HOME/jdev/bin )

1. First time you have to select Role (This can be changed later any time)

11g Jdeveloper SOA Suite

2. In next screen (only once) you get an option to upgrade your existing Jdeveloper/SOA Suite (even if this is first time you are installing any oracle product on this machine)

11g jdeveloper soa suite

11g jdeveloper soa suite

3. If you are using proxy server, you can configure proxy setting from preferences tab.  From 11g Jdeveloper Tools -> Preferences -> Web Browser and Proxy

11g jdeveloper soa suite

11g soa suite 11g jdeveloper

4. Select Integrated OC4J from  Tools -> Preferences -> Run

11g jdeveloper 11g soa suite

5. Now configure SOA Suite from Tools -> Configure SOA

11g jdeveloper 11g soa suite

6. In next screen provide SOA Database connection details (enter adrs_soainfrausername & password created in last post)

11g jdeveloper 11g soa suite

Configure 11g SOA Suite will take approx. 5-10 minutes and finally as per Oracle you’ll get message bind successful (Though build never completed successfullyin my case on both windows as well as Linux)

Log file location


Issues Encountered during installation on Linux

Issue 1
. JDK was owned by root hence
Changing permission of /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin (java & javac) : Operation not permittedFix : Grant writepermission to user (installing 11g SOA/Jdeveloper) on files java & javacIssue 2.Using JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/..
Dec 30, 2007 10:45:40 AM oracle.j2ee.xml.XMLMessages warningException
WARNING: Exception Encountered
Dec 30, 2007 10:45:46 AM findSystemUser
WARNING: findSystemUser: System user is not available from Credential Store.
07/12/30 10:46:06 WARNING: ApplicationServer.enableOC4JDocumentChangeNotifier Alternate DocumentChangeNotifier in use!
Fix: Awaiting response from Oracle–  This is Internal Bug w.r.t. installation of Jdeveloper/SOA Suite 11g on LinuxIssues on Windows

Issue 3. Error on command prompt which as per Oracle Bug database, can be ignored

02-Jan-2008 09:36:52 javax.ide.extension.spi.DefaultElementContext getVisitorFor
SEVERE: jar:/file:/C:/Atul/jdev11g/sqldeveloper/extensions/oracle.sqldeveloper.j
ar!/META-INF/extension.xml:65: ‘update-hook’ in namespace ‘
om/ide/update-hook’ is not a recognized hook.

Issue 4. oracle.adfinternal.rc.connection.AdfConnectionContextProvider getConnectionContext()
oracle.adf.rc.exception.CatalogRuntimeException: An Error occurred obtaining a connection context. ConnectionContextProvider=[oracle.adfinternal.rc.connection.AdfConnectionContextProvider] Root Cause=[Start of root element expected.]  at oracle.adfinternal.rc.connection.AdfConnectionContextProvider.getConnectionContext(

Fix: Awaiting
response from Oracle–  This is Internal Bug w.r.t. installation of Jdeveloper/SOA Suite 11g on windows

Deploying Application on SOA/Jdeveloper 11g & creating Application using 11g Jdeveloper/ SOA suite coming soon … 

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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