Install Oracle BAM – Business Activity Monitoring : Overview

This posts covers overview of Oracle BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) Installation, step by step BAM installation coming soon…

Download Oracle BAM from here

Oracle BAM Installation Overview
1. Install Oracle Database for Oracle BAM Installation

2. Install BAM On Windows Server
2.1 Create Windows user “bam” and add to Administrator Group
2.2 Disable Terminal Services from Windows Server
2.3 Enable Remote Desktop Login for user “bam”
2.4 Install Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) Server
2.5 Install Oracle BAM
2.6 Allow ASP (Active Server Pages), .Net and SSI (Server Side Include) from IIS (Internet Information Services)
Server under Web Services Extension
2.7Restart IIS (Start -> Run -> cmd -> iisreset)
2.8 Restart Oracle BAM
Start -> All Programs -> Oracle BAM -> Stop Oracle BAM
Start -> All Programs -> Oracle BAM -> Start Oracle BAM

3.Test Oarcle BAM
URL for BAM – http://<host>:<http_port>/oraclebam


Key Points for Oracle BAM Installation

1.You need approx. 1GB memory and 2GB hard-disk (for Dev Server)

2. Oracle BAM is certified/supported only for Microsoft Windows Server (for full list check Installation Guide) (For Development you could install it on windows desktop XP or Vista or 2000)

3. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, Service Pack 1  (If this is not on system, BAM Installer will install automatically for You)

4. Enterprise Link is not supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 platforms.

5. If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows 2000 or 2003 platform running Terminal Services, Terminal Services must be in Administration Mode, not Application Server Mode.

6. For Active Data Cache (ADC) install Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC), version 10.2 for Windows. (If this is not on system, BAM Installer will install automatically for You)

7. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or greater is required when using external data sources.

8. Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0, 5.1, or 6.0 is required as Web Server

9. For Enterprise Link; Oracle Database,, or later versions for the Enterprise Link Repository.

10. For Active Data Cache (ADC); Oracle Database,, or later

11. If you are already using .NET Framework 2.0 (on windows Server) there is no need to uninstall .NET framework however, there is a Microsoft bug that causes an issue with Enterprise Link. You can get and apply a hot fix from MS for this.

12. Default Log for Installation C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs



About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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