This post covers Fusion Middleware 11g (Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer) installation issue from one of our reader
Issue : “I tried to install Fusion Middleware Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g on window xp. After Installations when we try to configured Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer then we received one error “INST-07079 Could not connect to LDAP with the given credentials““
Before jumping to troubleshooting lets understand issue first
What is LDAP and why Portal, Forms, Reports connecting to LDAP Server ?
LDAP which stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is protocol to access directory servers (Example of directory server includes OID (Oracle Internet Directory) from Oracle, ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode) from Microsoft or iPlanet from Sun.
OID (Oracle Internet Directory) version 10g or 11g is mandatory in FMW 11g Installation (only for installation type Portal) more information here
Note* You DON’T need OID for other 11g FMW products like SOA, WebCenter, UCM, Discoverer or Forms & Reports
You enter OID details during Fusion Middleware 11g (Portal) configuration .
What is orcladmin in OID (Oracle Internet Directory) ?
orcladmin is super user in OID, by default there are two orcladmin users in OID
a) cn=orcladmin
b) cn=orcladmin,cn=users,[realm]like cn=orcladmin,cn=users,dc=mycompany,dc=com (where realm for OID is
How to check for error like INST-07079 Could not connect to LDAP with the given credentials
Check 1) – Check if OID server is installed and running on port mentioned in your Oracle FMW 11g configuration screen (as shown in image above) – For Windows you could use services, For Unix use “netstat -an | grep [oid_port]”
Check 2) – Check there is no firewall between machine where you are running config.cmd (or to machine where OID server is running (skip this test if both OID and config.cmd are on same machine)
telnet [oid_server_name] [oid_port]
Check 3) – Check if you can bind orcladmin user with password
ldapbind -h [oid host] -p [port] -D “cn=orcladmin,cn=users,dc=mycompany,dc=com” -w [password]
ldapbind -h [oid host] -p [port] -D “cn=orcladmin” -w [password] Note* Password for “cn=orcladmin” & “cn=orcladmin,cn=users,dc=mycompany,dc=com” could be different (By default they are same and provided by user during OID installation)
For more OID commands check click here
If you are hitting any issue in your Fusion Middleware 11g installation or configuration then you can also post them in Forum dedicated to Oracle Apps DBA’s