Siebel CRM integration with Oracle Access Manager

Environment details:

OAM: Version on RHEL

Siebel: Version 8.1 on Aix 5.3

Steps for Integration:

1) Create profile for webgate and install the webgate on target siebel webserver.
– I have used SIEBEL_SSO_UID as the header variable name to pass the username.

2) Create the following user in OAM LDAP

3) Check if SADMIN and GuestUser is created in siebel user repository.

4) Modify the email field for the above users in OAM LDAP as follows
a)SADMIN mail=username=SADMIN password=admin
b)GuestUser mail=username=GuestUser password=admin

[Note: The username and password values specified in the mail attribute are the corresponding user credentials in the Siebel user repository]

5) Check if IBM ldap client 32 is installed on siebel server where seibel application server is installed[The Ldap client is required for ldap lookup].
– open file Eg: /u01/apps/sba_81/siebsrvr/
– Add the entry Eg: LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/lib [Specify the path of the ldap client library]

6) Login to the siebel server administration console
-Navigate to server Administration update the LDAP security adapter details.
-Search for Security Adapter. Modify the values to LDAP and LDAPSecAdpt[refer metalink 801378.1]

7) Modify eapps.cfg and eapps_sia.cfg file in siebel webserver /u01/apps/sba_81/sweapp/bin/eapps.cfg
[defaults] EncryptedPassword = FALSE
AnonUserName  = GuestUser
AnonPassword  = admin [Password specified in OAM LDAP] StatsPage     = _stats.swe
HTTPPort      = 80
HTTPSPort     = 443
EnableFQDN          = False
FQDN                = (Siebel server)
TrustToken          = HELLO
DoCompression       = true
GuestSessionTimeout = 300
SessionTimeout      = 1800

8 ) Modify eapps_sia.cfg file in siebel webserver /u01/apps/sba_81/sweapp/bin/eapps_sia.cfg
[/fins_enu] ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://
WebPublicRootDir = /u01/apps/sba_81/sweapp/public/enu
SiebEntSecToken = EUJ1byJURkLyvCmm11wW8gEAAFHJ
AnonUserName  = GuestUser
AnonPassword  = admin [Password specified in OAM LDAP] SingleSignOn     = TRUE
TrustToken       = HELLO
UserSpec         = SIEBEL_SSO_UID
UserSpecSource   = Header
StartCommand  = SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=FINS+Home+Page+View

9) Modify fins.cfg file in siebel server /u01/apps/sba_81/siebsrvr/bin/enu/fins.cfg
[LDAPSecAdpt] SecAdptDllName = sscfldap
ServerName = (hostname of OAM LDAP)
Port = 389
BaseDN = Cn=users,dc=mycomp1,dc=co,dc=in
SharedCredentialsDN = Cn=sadmin,cn=users,dc=mycomp1,dc=co,dc=in
UsernameAttributeType = uid
PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
CredentialsAttributeType = mail
RolesAttributeType          =
SslDatabase                 =
ApplicationUser = Cn=sadmin,cn=users,dc=mycomp1,dc=co,dc=in
ApplicationPassword = admin [Password specified in OAM LDAP] HashDBPwd = FALSE
PropagateChange = TRUE
SingleSignOn = TRUE
TrustToken = HELLO
UseAdapterUsername = FALSE
SiebelUsernameAttributeType = uid

10) Reboot Siebel gateway, Siebel webserver and Siebel application server.

Reference: Metalink ID 801378.1

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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