RSA Access Manger provides a centralized authentication and authorization framework for protecting web based applications, it also includes Single Sign On capability.
Key Components
Entitlements Server
Entitlement Server is a centralized point to make any administrative changes to the data store.
Authorization Server
Authorization server is responsible for handling authentication and authorization request.
Dispatcher/Key Server
Dispatcher keeps track of the available authorization servers. It is responsible to route the request from the web agent to the next available authorization server.
Key Server
Key Server is responsible to generate and maintain Single Sign On token encryption key used to identify the user. After user authentication with RSA Access Manager, the authorization server issues a token which contains the user session information. This token is encrypted using the encryption key provided by key server.
RSA ClearTrust Data Adapter
RSA ClearTrust Data Adapter enables RSA Access Manager to communicate with the user store (LDAP/Database) to store user and policy information.
Entitlements Manager Web-based Administration Tool
Entitlement Manager Web-based Administration Tool is JSP application which can be deployed on application server and accessed using a web browser. This console provides a GUI for doing administration activities like creation, updation and deletion of users and policys.
RSA ClearTrust Web Server Agent
Web Server Agent is responsible to protecting access to the application by validating the user credential and his authorization with RSA Access Manager.
Optional Components
Instrumentation Server
Instrumentation Server which uses SNMP (simple network management protocol) enables to link RSA Access Manager to a Network Management System (NMS).This will help customer to monitor the RSA Access Manager’s performance and health at real time.
Log Server
Log Server provides advanced logging for more granular logging to meet additional auditing and compliance needs of customer.