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for example there are two type of users internal users and external users probably internel users are employes and external users are customers,and if iam having two seperate web applications one for internal users and other for exernal user with two different schemas…let say the internal apps is like—containing a go page in which they will have all the links regarding the company also having supportsite which is an external users app…so my question is that using oam can we provide sign on to..?
1.when the internal user login to the system using IWA and access the external app(support site) as the second app is protected it prompts for the authentication but as the internal user already authenticated using IWA he should directly redirected to that second app home page.
2.Here in this situation the internal app login crediantials are entirely differnt from external app crediantials i.e..,internal users login using their employee crediantials where as the external user login using a valid mail address..
3.As for the two apps entire schema values are different..can we do this by installing two oracle access manager say 1 oam for internal users ,2 oam for external users.if this happenes…? while authenticating internal users the oamserver1 generates obsso cookie..,when the same user try to access the second app from the same browser(protected by oamserver2) will he directly redirected to second app home page…using the previous cookie as this is done in the same browser….?
Could you please help to solve this issue
ReplyHello Mohan,
My first question – why do you have two different schemas for internal and external users?
A single OAM instance would be sufficient. You may have two webgates – one for internal users and other for external users if both applications are deployed at different locations from each other.
AFAIK, SSO for different applications can be achieved if authentication schemes have same authentication level even if some of the applications use IWA or Form or Certificate.
Hope this helps.