OIM 11g : How to export/import/delete Files from MDS

Most of Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) 11g configuration files are stored in database under Metadata Services (MDS). OIM 11g is covered in my book

This post is quick how to export/import files from/to MDS which is also covered in Oracle Documentation here

1. cd $ORACLE_HOME/server/bin

2. Open file weblogic.properties and update following

wls_servername=oim_server1     (This is name of OIM server, you can get server name from weblogic console)
application_name=oim                 ( oim if file is OOB file or OIMMetadata if this is custom file)
metadata_from_loc=/home/fusionapps/scripts/metadata    (Location of directory on file system that contains file which you wish to import; used during import process)
metadata_to_loc=/home/fusionapps/scripts/metadata  (Location of file on file system which you wish to import, used during import process)
metadata_files=/db/*  (Name of file which you wish to export/import like /db/oim-config.xml or user * which represents all files in that folder)


export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/apps/idam11115/mid/iam (replace value with OIM Oracle Home)

4.  Execute export/import command like

5. When prompted for username/password enter weblogic administrator username/password

6. When prompted for Server URL , enter Admin Server URL like t3://onlineAppsDBA.com:14000  (here onlineAppsDBA.com is server name on which OIM Server is running and 14000 is port of OIM Server) – [Thanks Sunny for pointing this out]

For any errors check log file under $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<OIMSrverName>/logs

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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