OIA (Identity Analytics) deployment failed on WebLogic Server Error 1 : java.lang.NoClass DefFoundError: org/apache/ log4j/Category

This is first on many issues, I encountered while deploying Ora cle Identity Analytics (OIA) 11g R1 PS1 ( on WebLogic Server 10.3.5


Error Message on WebLogic Console deployment screen:

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category



1. Explode rbacx.war file to staging directory like rbac_staging

2. Create weblogic.xml in $rbac_staging/WEB-INF/ with content like

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?>

<weblogic-web-app xmlns=”http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90″>        






3. Recreate war file and deploy or deploy from exploded $rbac_staging directory to WebLogic Console

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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