In this post we are going to cover, E-Business Suite integration with OID ( Oracle Internet Directory) , a schema with apps role is used for creating the provisioning profile in OID from our EBS-OAM Integration Trainnig.
OID use this user credentials to establish connection with E-Business Suite Database.
Issue:- After updating the APPS user password in the E-Business Suite, updates in OID were not been provisioned in E-Business Suite.
DIP server log files ($DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<ods_managed_server>/logs ) shows the following error:
wls_ods2-diagnostic.log:[2011-12-22T14:04:23.920+00:00] [wls_ods2] [ERROR] [DIP-20050] [oracle.dip.r12ebs_mfltest_E] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JH_hQrM7m3D_z9k3yW1Ewm0b000002,0] [APP: DIP#] connecting as : URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@innowave12:1560:r12ebs , User : APPS
wls_ods2-diagnostic.log:[2011-12-22T14:04:23.920+00:00] [wls_ods2] [ERROR] [DIP-20052] [oracle.dip.r12ebs_mfltest_E] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JH_hQrM7m3D_z9k3yW1Ewm0b000002,0] [APP: DIP#] Exception on connecting to DB.[[
wls_ods2-diagnostic.log:[2011-12-22T14:04:23.921+00:00] [wls_ods2] [ERROR] [DIP-20274] [oracle.dip.r12ebs_mfltest_E] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JH_hQrM7m3D_z9k3yW1Ewm0b000002,0] [APP: DIP#] Error occurs while initializing ProvAppToOIDSync.[[
wls_ods2-diagnostic.log:[2011-12-22T14:04:23.922+00:00] [wls_ods2] [ERROR] [DIP-10509] [oracle.dip.r12ebs_mfltest_E] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JH_hQrM7m3D_z9k3yW1Ewm0b000002,0] [APP: DIP#] Error in executing provisioning profile.[[
The OID provisioning profile used by the E-Business suite contains the APPS username and password. If the APPS user password is changed on the E-Business suite, then it must be also be changed in the OID provisioning profile as well.
1) Check last update for the respective provisioning profile to ensure the provisioning is not happening because of user password change:-
a) Login OID Node
b) set environment
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin oidprovtool operation=STATUS \ ldap_host=<OID_Host_name> ldap_port=<OID_PORT> \ ldap_user="cn=orcladmin" \ application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=<E_Business_apps_name>,cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=<OID_tree_structure>" \
oidprovtool operation=STATUS \ > ldap_port=3060 \ >ldap_user="cn=orcladmin" \ >application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=r12ebs,cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=innowave,dc=com"
You will be prompted for ldap user password and Interface connection information.
Interface Connection information here means –> <Apps_DB_host>:<Apps_DB_Port>:<Apps_SID>:<Apps_schema_user>:<New_apps_password>
Please enter the LDAP password:
Please enter the Interface connection information (Press Enter key for empty value):
orclODIPProfileProcessingStatus: Event Propagation Successful
orclODIPProfileLastProcessingTime: 20111215183417
orclODIPProfileLastSuccessfulProcessingTime: 20111215183417
orclLastAppliedChangeNumber: 707309
orclSubscriberDisable: 0
orclODIPProfileProcessingStatus: Event Propagation Successful
orclODIPProfileLastProcessingTime: 20111215183415
orclODIPProfileLastSuccessfulProcessingTime: 20111215183415
Dates clearly show that last change provisioned was on 15 Dec 2011
Solution:-Update the Oracle Internet Directory provisioning profile with the new APPS password. This can be done by running the Oracle Internet Directory oidprovtool command-line utility (For detail usage click Here )
oidprovtool operation=modify \ ldap_host=<OID Server hostname> ldap_port=<OID Server Port> \ ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" ldap_user_password=<orcladmin Password> \ application_dn="<The LDAP distinguished name of the application>" \ interface_connect_info=<E-Business Suite connect info of the format, host:port:Sid:username:password>
Example Usage:-
oidprovtool operation=modify \ profile_mode=OUTBOUND profile_status=enabled \ ldap_host=innowave12 ldap_port=3060 \ ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" \ application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=r12ebs,cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=innowave,dc=com" \ interface_connect_info=innowave12:1521:r12ebs:apps:Welcome1
Bounce DIP managed servers from OID console
Again query for provisioning profile status and see the last processing time.
[ bin]$ oidprovtool operation=STATUS \ > ldap_host=innowave12 ldap_port=3060 \ > ldap_user="cn=orcladmin" \ >application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=r12ebs,cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=innowave,dc=com"
Please enter the LDAP password:
Please enter the Interface connection information (Press Enter key for empty value):
Inbound profile status details:
orclODIPProfileLastAppliedAppEventID: 441081
orclODIPProfileProcessingStatus: Event Propagation Successful
orclODIPProfileLastProcessingTime: 20111222161734
orclODIPProfileLastSuccessfulProcessingTime: 20111222161734
Outbound profile status details:
orclLastAppliedChangeNumber: 795870
orclSubscriberDisable: 0
orclODIPProfileProcessingStatus: Event Propagation Successful
orclODIPProfileLastProcessingTime: 20111222161725
orclODIPProfileLastSuccessfulProcessingTime: 20111222161725
Check Last processing time should be today’s date timestamp when you performed this action.
To verify, create new user in OID and ensure the user get provisioned in E-Business Suide FND_USER.
Reference Documents:-
Oracle Identity User Reference 10g ( Part Number B15998-01
We provided a dedicated module for Troubleshooting where we cover Logging in WebGate, OHS, EBS Accessgate, DIP, OAM, and OID in our EBS-OAM/OID Integration Training , more about training here
If you have not yet downloaded FREE eBook – 7 Docs every Oracle Apps DBA must read for EBS R12 integration with OAM/OID for SSO get a copy in your eMail.