Username based authentication using OAM 11g

I have worked on a OAM 11g requirement that needs to do authentication based on only username. There is a OOTB authentication scheme available in OAM 11g called LDAPNoPasswordValidationScheme. This authentication scheme uses the Authentication module LDAPNoPasswordAuthModule and that in turn points to Embedded Weblogic identity store by default.

I have to perform all this authentication using OAM 11g API. So I have created a dummy resource to test this. Pointed the LDAPNoPasswordAuthModule to OVD identity store as we are using OVD.

Used the below code snippet to test this and it worked fine.

ResourceRequest req  = new ResourceRequest(“http”, “http://host:port/dummy”,”GET”);

Hashtable credentials = new Hashtable();
credentials.put(“userid”, “mahendra”);

session = new UserSession(req,credentials);

String sessionToken=session.getSessionToken();

The Resource http://host:port/dummy is protected using LDAPNoPasswordValidationScheme and thus session token is created with just username.


About the Author Mahendra

I am engulfed in Oracle Identity & Access Management domain. I have expertise on providing the optimized solutions for user provisioning, web access management, Single Sign-On and federation capabilities etc., I am also well versed with complex integrations within Identity Management and other product domains. I have expertise on building demos and implementation experience on products Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, Oracle Entitlement Server, Oracle Virtual Directory, Oracle Internet Directory etc., Look @ my blog:

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