EBS Cloud Manager Deployment

[Troubleshooting] EBS Cloud Manager 19.1.1 Deployment Issue because of IAM Policy/Compartment: ProvisionOCINetwork.pl

[Troubleshooting] EBS Cloud Manager 19.1.1 Deployment Issue because of IAM Policy/Compartment

If you are deploying the latest EBS Cloud Manager using a new deployment method then this deployment will fail while creating Network on OCI at ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script with Error NotAuthorizedOrNotFound

Check out our new blog at http://k21academy.com/ebscloud32 and follow the Step-Wise workaround which we have followed, covering

What is EBS Cloud Manager?
▪Separation of Duties in EBS Cloud Manager (EBSCM)
▪Issue With its WorkAround Used to deploy the latest EBSCM on OCI.

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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