EC2 Instance

Create and Connect To Amazon AWS Windows EC2 Instance

The EC2 is a computing service that provides scalable computing capacity and eliminates the investment in hardware up-front, so the applications can be developed and deployed faster.

Virtual machines on AWS EC2, are called instances. Here in this blog >>, we are going to covers how to launch a Windows-based instance.

This blog will cover:
· What is Amazon EC2?
· Why we use Amazon EC2?
· How Amazon EC2 works?
· Features of Amazon EC2
· Use cases of Amazon EC2
· Steps to Create Amazon Windows EC2 Instance
· Steps to Connect Amazon Windows EC2 Instance

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About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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