Category Archives for Kubernetes Developer

Solving Kubectl commands results in error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion?

📌 This blog post discusses the problem and solution that very few of us encountered while running the kubectl command. 📌 We often see an error message that reads “error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion″ while using kubectl. 🤓 So, Want to learn how the error can be fixed? âž¡ Checkout this blog-  , […]

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Monitoring in Kubernetes

Monitoring in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is ‘hot & trending’ right now. It eliminates many of the manual processes in deploying, scaling, and management of containers across several servers. Monitoring such a tool is just as much important as it gives us insight into our cluster’s current health and helps in determining our application is performance. K8s has its in-built […]

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Multi Container Pods

Multi Container Pods In Kubernetes

Kubernetes Pods are the smallest deployable unit created and managed by Kubernetes. If you need to run a single container in Kubernetes, then you have to create a pod for it which is nothing but Single Container Pod. If you have to run two or more containers in a pod, then the pod created to […]

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Containers are the future! Kubernetes is the one in the spotlight of all the containers available. If you do a quick research on the internet, you will find lots of stories from people about clearing the Kubernetes certifications. The CKA Certification certifies the candidate with the knowledge of administration of Kubernetes, and on the other […]

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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD): 7 Things You Must Learn

Microservices based application (aka Cloud-Native or Container Native) are deployed on Containers (Docker) and managed by Kubernetes is a new way of developing, deploying, and managing applications. Application Developers, Architects, or Testers all must learn building & deploying container (Cloud) native apps managed by Kubernetes. Want to explore more about this Certification? Check this NEW […]

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