If automatic updates are enabled on your Windows Client machine (Windows XP check here or Widows Vista here ) then there is high probability of FRM-92101 There was failure in the Form Server during Startup error while accessing forms in 11i or R12.
One of our Apps DBA trainee faced this issue during hands-on exercise. (Next Apps DBA Batch starting 27 June)
Root Cause : Automatic Updates on windows upgraded IE (Internet Explorer) from version 7 to version 8. IE8 is not yet certified with Oracle Apps 11i or R12 (More info on Steven Chan’s blog here )
Fix: Quick fix is to uninstall IE8 from XP or Vista using steps mentioned here and block automatic IE8 upgrade using steps mentioned here
Note * – There could be other reasons for FRM-92101 (Check Metalink note 189867.1 Forms: 9.x and 10.x: Troubleshooting FRM-92050, FRM-921xx)