Oracle Discoverer is used to analyze data (ad hoc query, analysis, reporting and publishing) from selected business area like Financials, HR, Manufacturing …
For Discoverer basics click here
1. There are two version of Discoverer
i) Standalone Discoverer – No support for Oracle SSO, Portlet Provider or Discoverer Connection Management
ii) Discoverer with OracleAS Infrastructure (OID/SSO) (use OracleAS Infrastructure which is part of 10.1.4 Identity Management instead of 10.1.2 OAS)
Both Type of installation includes
a) Discoverer Server
b) Discoverer Plus
c) Discoverer Viewer
2. Install Discoverer 10.1.2 on same (R12 server) or different server under its own ORACLE_HOME (You can’t share discoverer ORACLE_HOME with R12 ORACLE_HOMEs)
3. Oracle Apps R12 VisionInstance contains a pre-installed Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer (EUL) but Production Install of R12 (a.k.a. Fresh install) does not contain a pre-installed Discoverer End User Layer (use eulapi to create new Discoverer EUL).
4. Standalone Discoverer is available as “Business Intelligence” and Discoverer with SSO is available as “Application Server 10g Release 2” here
5. It is possible to integrate standalone Discoverer to OracleAS infrastructure for SSO support
Installation/Configuration Overview
1. Install Discoverer (standalone or with 10gAS Infrastructure)
2. Copy dbc file from Apps R12 to Discoverer Middle Tier
3. Add entry in tnsnames.ora of Discoverer Middle Tier pointing to R12 Database
4. Create End User Layer (EUL) in R12 Database using eulapi – * only for Prod version (Non VISION instance)
5. Configure java plug-in in discoverer (to run Discoverer Plus) to same version as Apps R12
6. Configure variable s_disco_url in context file in R12 pointing to Discoverer URL
For complete step by step doc check Metalink Note 373634.1