, , – exiting with status 204

Oracle E-Business Suite uses three OC4J (oacore, oafm & forms) for Java Applications including Forms and HTTP Server for static HTML content.

All these four components are managed (including startup/shutdown) by OPMN (Oracle Process Manager & Notification) .

Script to start/stop OPMN in R12 $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/
Script to start/stop HTTP Server in R12 – $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/
Script to start/stop oacore OC4J in R12 – $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/
Script to start/stop oafm OC4J in R12 $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/
Script to start/stop forms OC4J in R12 – $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/


Processes in Instance:
ias-component                        | process-type       |     pid | status
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oafm             |    1032 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:forms            |     933 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oacore          |     808 | Alive
HTTP_Server                          | HTTP_Server        |     748 | Alive 


 How to troubleshoot status code 204  Issue for OC4J ?

1. First check startup log at $LOG_HOME/appl/admin/log/ adoacorectl.txt, adoafmctl.txt, adoaformsctl.txt
Next check log at  $LOG_HOME/ ora/ 10.1.3/ opmn/ opmn.log

If you see error like
09/07/22 18:28:10 [libopmnoc4j] Port information in the ONS notification is incorrect for proc: 1154637034. Some of the reasons for the failure are:
1. ajp, rmi and jms ports could not be bound by the process.
2. If a port value for a certain port ID is handed by OPMN to the OC4J process and this value is not returned back in the ONS notifications. For example, this can happen for certain bad JGroups related configurations.
09/07/22 18:28:10 [libopmnoc4j] Process Start Error: default_group~oafm~default_group~1 (1154637034:26689)09/07/22
18:28:11 [pm-process] Stopping Process: default_group~oafm~default_group~1 (1154637034:26689)09/07/22 18:28:11
[libopmnoc4j] Process Stop Error: default_group~oafm~default_group~1 (1154637034:26689)09/07/22 18:28:11 [libopmnoc4j] Failed to construct stop command for proc: 115463703409/07/22 18:28:11 [libopmnoc4j] Forcefully Terminating Process:
default_group~oafm~default_group~1 (1154637034:26689)09/07/22 18:28:13 [pm-requests] Request d Completed. Command: /start?process-type=oafm



Clear directory under persistence from below directory and restart all three OC4J
$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/ 10.1.3/ j2ee/ oacore/ persistence
$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/ 10.1.3/ j2ee/ oafm/ persistence
$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/ 10.1.3/ j2ee/ forms/ persistence

This could be because of .lock files and explained in Metalink Note 372412.1 OC4J Fails to startup with “ERROR Failed to set the internal configuration of the OC4J JMS Server”

3. If all services are up and running and you still get “Page not found” in Apps R12, then

Check logs in $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/oacore_default_group_1/oacorestd.err


09/07/22 18:44:20 Exception in static block of jtf.cache.CacheManager. Stack trace is:
oracle. apps. jtf. base. resources. FrameworkException: IAS Cache initialization failed. The Distributed Caching System failed to initialize on port: 12357. The list of hosts in the distributed caching system is: . The port 12357 should be free on each host running the JVMs.
at oracle. apps. jtf. cache. IASCacheProvider. init(
at oracle. apps. jtf. cache. CacheManager. activateCache(   

As error indicates issue is with Java Object Cache (JOC) to knwo more about JOC click here

To confirm that issue is because of Java Object Cache (JOC), check log file $LOG_HOME/appl/rgf/javacache.log

[2009-07-22T18:44:20.856+01:00] [ias] [NOTIFICATION] [] [cache.Lifecycle] [host:] [nwaddr: X.X.X.X] [tid: 11] [userId: avisr12] [ecid: X.X.X.X:39334:1248284660856:1,1] JOC is shutdown. vid=0

Fix : There are two potential solution (or more depneding on root cause of JOC issue)
1. Check if not other service is using JOC port (JOC port is defind by parameter s_java_object_cache_port in context file), run Autoconfig and test again

2. Disable JOC by changing s_long_running_jvm in context file from true to false and run Autoconfig
Log File Location for OACore & JOC in R12

  • $LOG_HOME/ appl/ admin/ log/ adoacorectl.txt, adoafmctl.txt, adoaformsctl.txt
  • $LOG_HOME/ ora/ 10.1.3/ opmn/ opmn.log
  • $LOG_HOME/ ora/ 10.1.3/ opmn/ oacore_default_group_1/ oacorestd.err
  • $LOG_HOME/ appl/ rgf/ javacache.log
  • $LOG_HOME/ ora/ 10.1.3/ j2ee/ oacore/ oacore_default_group_1/ application.log

Did you get a chance to download 6 Docs Every Apps DBA Must Read for EBS R12.2 ? If not, then get it now by clicking on link below.

6 docs every apps dba must read

If you need to learn more about Oracle Apps DBA (Architecture, Installation, WebLogic, Patching, Cloning and other maintenance tasks with the upgrade of Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.0 to 12.2.4 then have a look at our  Oracle Apps DBA Training

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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