I recently installed Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA 2.5) for training here and encountered few issues so I thought it would be good idea to share issues and fix here.
1. Abnormal Program Termination An Internal error has occured : Issue – Corrupt Software : Fix – Download Software again from eDelivery
2. FP failed at configuration screen : Issue – installed AIA using database user with NO sysdba privilege : Fix – Give sysdba privilege to user or use SYS account
3. AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess : Issue – FP Build failed at AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess : Fix – Unknown
Issue 1
Caused by corrupt media (software)
Issue 2
Inventory Logs : $oraInventory/logs/oraInstall[timestamp].err
java.lang.Exception: Error executing the command:
setenv PATH /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/apache-ant-1.7.0/bin:/oracle/apps/soa/mid/jdk/bin:$PATH && setenv ANT_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/apache-ant-1.7.0 && setenv JAVA_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid/jdk && setenv DEPLOY_COMP oracle.aia.common && setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid && setenv AIA_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/aia254&& setenv BPEL_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid/bpel && cd /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/Infrastructure/install/scripts && ant –noconfig -buildfile FPInstall.xml
at com.oracle.aia.utils.Deploy.executeCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.oracle.aia.utils.Deploy.executeProcess(Unknown Source)
at com.oracle.aia.utils.PipSelector.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.oracle.aia.utils.PipSelector.main(Unknown Source)
On looking at AIA Installation Log at $AIA_HOME/logs/Install/[FP|PIPS]/[FPInstall][timestamp].log
FP – Foundation Pack
PIP – Process Integration Pack
AIA – Application Integration Architecture
[echo] —-Checking for sysdba previleges for given database user
[echo] Please use the user with sysdba privileges
/oracle/apps/soa/aia254/ Infrastructure/install/ scripts/FPInstall.xml:115: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/oracle/ apps/ soa/ aia254/ Infrastructure/ install/ scripts/ FPCheckSOAServerStatus.xml:62: Please use the user with sysdba privileges
Total time: 1 second
Looking at error message I realised that I used system to connect to database during AIA installation. By default SYS has the SYSDBA privilege which SYSTEM doesn’t .
How to check users with sysdba privileges in your database ?
SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;
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To fix this issue
1) Use SYS account during installation
2) Give sysdba privilege to database user used during AIA install
How to grant sysdba privileges to any user in your database ?
SQL> grant sysdba to [username];
Grant succeeded.
Issue 3
/oracle/ apps/ soa/ aia255/ Infrastructure/ ErrorHandling/ AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess/ build.xml:209: A problem occured while connecting to server “focusthreaderp.com” using port “7777”: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.collaxa.cube. CubeLogger.error(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/ lang/Throwable;)Vat com.oracle.bpel.client.util.ExceptionUtils.handleServerException(ExceptionUtils.java:94)
at com.oracle.bpel.client.Locator.lookupDomain(Locator.java:237)