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Hi Mahendra
I finished to install AccessServer_SDK, but i didn’t see the samples or examples folder any in installed directory.
i used the version:
Would you please share me that example ?
Thanks so much for your help.
ReplyHI Mahendra,
I am new to OAM, I have developed an Authenticaion service which can authenticate user through OAM.
I have devloped jAccessGate for it and it’s working fine. My Problem is whenever I want to move this code on some machine, I require this OAMSDK to be present at that machine. Can we deploy this SDK on one linux server and just point it through our java service. OR anyother way ? I just do not want to move SDK in all evn. where I move my code.
If I understand this correctly, you want to deploy your java code in different servers which points to ASDK installed in a central location. If this is right, then you will need to do that in your java code and nothing to be done from OAM front. To my experience, we should point the ASDK to that specific machine from java code which means that we should install ASDK in all environments, aftrol it is going to be either production or development environment.
I am writing a code to getAll the policy domains in the Policy manager. I am stuck.
Please help me understand how this can be done.
When I create ObAccessManager am = new ObAccessManager(); and try to call getPolicyDomains , this throws null exception.
Please help me, how can I get all the PolicyDomains in the Access Manager with APIs.