How to configure Load Balancer in Oracle E-Business Suite R12

This post covers steps to configure Load Balancer (with assumptions mentioned below) with Oracle E-Buisness Suite R12 . For overview and various options for High Availability (at application tier level) follow Metalink (Oracle My Support) note 380489.1Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12


Configuration steps mentioned in this post are based on following assumptions

1.E-Business Suite (Apps) is installed and accessible using at least one apps server via web server port (assume port pool 0 i.e. 8000) i.e.

2. There is hardware load balancer available with port translation (8000 to 80) – (Optional and required only if you want port translation or URL on non default port)

Note: If your load balancer does not have port translation feature and you would like to use standard HTTP(s) port i.e. 80 or 443 then additional steps are required to reconfigure EBS on 80/443

3. If you want URL to be SSL/HTTPS (port 443) then Load Balancer should have capability to SSL encryption/decryption (In this case SSL will terminate at Load Balancer and from Load Balancer to Web/Apps Tier configure is HTTP)

Note: If you want SSL to be configured all the way till Web/Apps Tier then additional steps are required to re-configure EBS on 443

4. EBS R12 supports multiple URLs pointing to same application. (For this setup you need minimum 2 apps tier + additional profile option configuration)

Follow section 2.2 Using Hardware Load Balancer with Multiple Web Entry Points of Note # 380489.1

5. Session Persistence is configured at Load Balancer (Mandatory if you have multiple middle/apps tier)

Configuration below are based on following setup (change values where required)

1. There are two application tier ( and with web port as 8000

2. Load Balancer URL after setup is (listening on port 80)

3. Load Balancer is configured with entry forwarding request to & (with session stickiness)


Step to follow to re-configure Oracle Apps to use Load Balancer

1. Update following five values in Context File ($CONTEXT_FILE)  (Context file is at $INST_TOP/appl/admin) of application tier. To know more about INST_TOP and CONTEXT_FILE click here  and  here

a) s_webentryhost – To load balancer  URL i.e. mylbr (Do not enter full name with domain)
b) s_active_webport -to load balancer port i.e. 80 (For SSL use 443)
c) s_login_page – Full URL pointing to Load Balancer http://loadbalancer.domain:port/OA_HTML/AppsLogin i.e. (For SSL use https and port as 443)
d) s_external_url – Load Balancer URL http://loadbalancer.domain:port  i.e. (For SSL use https and port as 443)
e) s_webentryurlprotocol – http  (Change to https if using SSL)
f) s_webentrydomain – Load Balancer Domain i.e.

2. Run Autoconfig on application tier

3. Repeat step 1 & 2 on all nodes running Web Server. (To check which servers are running as Web Nodes, login to database as user apps and run query “select node_name from fnd_nodes where SUPPORT_WEB=’Y’;”)

4. Test load balancer configuration by accessing load balancer URL i.e.

5. If you get page not found error then check if request is coming from load balancer to Web Server access logs at $LOG_HOME/ ora/10.1.3/ access_log.NNNNNNNN (sort access log based on time stamp “ls -ltr access_log*”)



  • 380489.1Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Oracle Apps DBA (E-Business Suite) R12

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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