I discussed about OID 11g installation here, here and here . I also discussed OID start-up issues here, here and here(Post from Mahendra)
In today’s post I am going to cover another OID 11g installation issue on Windows during OID start-up phase with errors like
D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1 D:\Oracle\IDM\asinst_1 asinst_1
oracle.as.config.ProvisionException: Failed to start the component at
oracle.as.provisioning.fmwadmin.ASComponentProv.createComponent(ASComponent Prov.java:157)
If you hit OID startup issue during installation on Windows then look for OID Logs under
%ORACLE_INTSANCE%\diagnostics\ logs\ OID\ oid1 \ *.log and %ORACLE_INTSANCE%\diagnostics\ logs\ OPMN\ opmn
In my case error in oidldapd01-0000.log was like
[2011-05-12T22:14:40-07:00] [OID] [NOTIFICATION:16] [] [OIDLDAPD] [host: oidserver] [pid: 2148] [tid: 0] Main:: Exec of OIDLDAPD failed with error
[2011-05-12T22:14:40-07:00] [OID] [NOTIFICATION:16] [] [OIDLDAPD] [host: oidserver] [pid: 2148] [tid: 0] Main:: FATAL : DispatcherController : OS -1 : Error creating server pool
[2011-05-12T22:14:41-07:00] [OID] [NOTIFICATION:16] [] [OIDLDAPD] [host: oidserver] [pid: 2148] [tid: 0] Main:: WARNING : DispatcherController : OiD LDAP server exiting with status -1
Checked and verified that hostname in hosts file was listed in format
[IP of server] serverName.domainname serverName
There was no other in OID or OPMN logs apart from log mentioned above. I then checked sqlnet.log under %ORACLE_HOME%\ network\ log and found following messages
Directory does not exist for read/write [D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1\log] []
Directory does not exist for read/write [D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1\log] []
Directory does not exist for read/write [D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1\log] []
Directory does not exist for read/write [D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1\log] []
Fix: Create directory log\diag\clients under %ORACLE_HOME% i.e. D:\Oracle\IDM\Oracle_IDM1 and start OID configuration again .