OracleAS Adapters

Oracle Application Server Adapters : are used to integrate Applications (Packaged Apps, Legacy Applications, database and Web Services)

Type of Application Server Adapters :  There are three kind of Adapters
A) Technology Adapters: These integrate Oracle Application Server with transport protocol, data stores and messaging middleware.
Example : OracleAS Adapter for FTP, JMS, Database, Files, Advance Queuing, MQ Series

Technology adapters are installed when you install BPEL Process Manager (Click here)  Component of SOA Suite.

B) Packaged Application Adapter: These integrate Oracle Application Server with packaged Application like SAP, Siebel, Oracle E-Business Suite.
Example : OracleAS Adapter for Oracle Applications, Peoplesoft, JD Edward, SAP R/3, Siebel

Packaged Application adapter are part of OracleAS Adapter CD (installed standalone)

C) Legacy Adapter : These integrate Oracle Application Server with legacy and mainframe applications.
Example : OracleAS Adapter for Tuxedo, CICS, VSAM, IMS/TM, IMS/DB

Legacy Application adapter are part of OracleAS Adapter CD (installed standalone)

Services offered by OracleAS Adapters
A) Request Response Service (Outbound)
OracleAS Adapters support synchronous Request-Response Services. Adapters receive request from client (oc4j application ….) and translate this request to format understood by backend application (like SAP, Siebel..). Since request originates from client such service also called as outbound service.

B) Event Notification Service (Inbound)
OracleAS Adapter also support event-notification service (asynchronous). In  this service Adapters listen or poll backend event changes or application. Since requests originates from backend application (like SAP, Siebel..) such requests also called as Inbound Service.

C) Metadata Service
Adapter metadata definition stores information about back-end connection, schema for objects and services.
Things to Note:
–Adapters consist of design time component (browsing & storing metadata) and runtime component (running services).
–Architecture of OracleAS Adapter for Oracle Applications is similar to OracleAS Technology Adapter architecture
— Technology Adapter and OracleAS Adapter for Oracle Applications are available as part of Oracle BPEL Process Manager Install
— During installation of OracleAS Adapter (standalone) you get two option i) Design time and Run time ii) Design Time

More information on Siebel Adapters (OracleAS Adapter for Siebel) coming soon …

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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