This is part VII of step by step installation of Oracle Identity Management (OAM, OIM, OAAM, OAPM & OIN) which covers configuring OIM Design Console .
OIM Design Console : is thick client used by developers and system administrators (OIM Design Console is supported only on Windows Machine) and used to configure system settings.
Things good to know about OIM Design Consle
OIM Design Console Steps
1. Make sure you have JRE (1.6 or higher) installed on machine on which you are planning to install/configure OIM design console (If you don’t have JRE 1.6 you can download standalone JRE from Sun/Oracle website orinstall WebLogic and use JRE shipped with WebLogic)
2.Install Oracle Identity and Access Management Software (This will create filesystem for IDAM and ORACLE_HOME)
3.Start $ORACLE_HOME/bin/config.bat , select OIM design Console
4.Enter OIM server hostname and port (default OIM server portis 14000. OIM server and WebLogic Admin Server should be running at this stage)
5. Create wlfullclient.jar on OIM server (Do this on OIM Server and NOT on OIM design console)
– cd $MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\server\lib
– java -jar $MW_HOME/modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_1.5.0.0.jar (ensure that you have java 1.6 in classpath)
6.Copy wlfullclient.jar from server to $ORACLE_HOME\designconsole\ext directory on Design Console Machine
7.Start OIM design console from $ORACLE_HOME\designconsole\xlclient.cmd
8.Login to Design Console using xelsysadm user
OIM Design Console Configuration Screens