After downloading Siebel Software and creating Siebel Image next part is to install Siebel Enterprise Server using this Siebel Image.
There are two software that you must install
a) Siebel Enterprise Server – SES (consists of four modules Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, EAI Conector, and Database Configuration Utilities)
b) Siebel Web Server Extension – SWSE
This post covers steps to install Siebel Enterprise Server (Siebel Web Server Extension – SWSE installation in next post) .
Install Siebel Enterprise Server
1. Login as user (siebel in my case) that you used to create Siebel Image (This user will own Sibel Software).
2. Cretae file /etc/oraInst.loc with entry like (Location /etc/oraInst.loc is for Linux, more here )
Here directory /oracle/apps/siebel/oraInventory will hold Oracle Inventory and oinstall is group of user siebel that will own software. To know more about oraInventory click here
3. Create directory /oracle/apps/siebel/ (I am going to install SES software under directory /oracle/apps/siebel/ aka SES_HOME)
4. Start installer with siebel user
[Siebel_Image]/ I created Siebel Image under /stage/oracle/siebel/
cd /stage/oracle/siebel/
./runInstaller -oneclick -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc
When prompted
a) Provide SES_HOME as /oracle/apps/siebel/
b) Select all four modules i.e. – Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, EAI Conector, and Database Configuration Utilities
After installation under SES_HOME directory you will see directory structure like
a) Directory /oracle/apps/siebel/ is called as $SES_HOME or $SIEBEL_ROOT
b) Directory /oracle/apps/siebel/ is called as $SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT
This completes installation of Siebel Enterprise Server, In next post we will install Siebel Web Server Extension