Patch is a program to fix a particular problem or enhance/add a particular feature in existing program/product/software. In Oracle to apply database patch we use ‘opatch‘ ($ORACLE_HOME/OPatch) where as in order to apply applications patch we use ad utility ‘adpatch‘ ($AD_TOP/bin). For Basic Apps patches terminology & other related details please refer to the following […]
Read MoreSource: Oracle Documentations It is possible to transfer statistics between servers allowing consistent execution plans between servers with varying amounts of data. First the statistics must be collected into a statistics table. In the following examples the statistics for the APPSCHEMA user are collected into a new table, STATS_TABLE, which is owned by DBASCHEMA: SQL> […]
Read More1)How to check if the partitions of a table are set to LOGGING select partition_name, logging from dba_tab_partitions where table_name=’WF_LOCAL_ROLES’; 2)How to Correct Session Cookie Name. a)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters; b)update icx_parameters set session_cookie_name = ‘<hostname_sid>’; c)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters; 3) How to find database SID from a Concurrent request. column process heading “FNDLIBR PID” […]
Read MoreSource: Oracle Documentations Log and Output files retention policy can be controlled by you at o/s level. Once you decide the retention policy for these logs and output files, the Purge Concurrent Request Concurrent Program or the Manager Data Concurrent Program will act, based on the information located in the database tables to determine which […]
Read MoreWorkflow Scripts: Source Oracle Documentations The below are the collection of Workflow Administration Scripts and/or Concurrent Program. 1. FNDWFPR For Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, use the standard concurrent program FNDWFPR ”Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data” to purge old data from the Oracle Workflow runtime tables regularly. Navigate to the Submit Requests form in […]
Read MoreOne day My manager fired one sql statement, it got stuck and not moving further. He called up me and asked to kill Oracle Session. I immediately killed his oracle session using SQL*PLUS approach. I would like to share what I did . Here I am giving the procedurehow to kill Oracle Sessions using […]
Read MoreI would like to share some important things here. You all might know these, but Oracle Apps newbie will get benefited. As we know that, when ever any Concurrent Request is submitted, log and output files are stored in $APPLCSF/$APPLOG and $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT directories respectively. Apart from *.req files, some other files are also getting stored […]
Read MoreI got a mail in my inbox that “You’ve been tagged” and was really curious to see what does this mean. I was tagged by Gareth Roberts and Mohan Dutt eBiz OCP and soon realized that its wonderful idea to network with fellow bloggers (and ofcourse to increase traffic). I want to thank AppsLab for starting this in Oracle Blog […]
Read MoreOracle Wallet is container/repository to store credentials like certificates, certificate request and private keys, and used if you wish to enable HTTPS. * Oracle Wallets can be stored either on file system or LDAP Server (like OID) Managing Wallets: You manage Oracle Wallets using Oracle Wallet Manager (owm – java based application). OWM is executable […]
Read More‘ROOT‘ on linux is the centre of all power. This account/user is the system administrator who has the access to all files & folders & can add or delete users or change their passwords. Some of the basic commands used on linux useful for Oracle Apps DBA’s are: 1. useradd The general syntax for the useradd command […]
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